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Chaos, panic and disorder
Jun 11, 2004
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I am definately not qualified to answer this, but I will give it a hack from my limited understanding until John can give you a better answer:

Protein - I dont know about quantities as in grams, but you should be having a portion of protein every 3 hours, as to go longer results in your body actually breaking down muscle to get the amino acids it needs. Someone who is actively trying to gain lean muscle mass should also be getting up to 30% of their daily caloric intake from proteins. John take it away....

Weight training - Cant help you much. I was advised by a sucessful-looking bodybuilder that in the industry the "accepted" best is 3 setting, with reps between 8 and 12. Increasing the weight when you reach the 12th rep. The last set at least should be taken to the point of muscle failure as that is when the muscle "rips" - its the muscle healing process that causes the muscle to increase in size. Again this might be total crap so please check with someone more knowledgeable.

Interval training - The running method you describe is known as Interval Training. I do mine slightly differently in that my rest interval and pace interval are 90 seconds long after a 5 minute warm-up period.

Specific training for sprinting - I dunno :)


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2005
Originally posted by Syltiz
I am definately not qualified to answer this, but I will give it a hack from my limited understanding until John can give you a better answer:

Protein - I dont know about quantities as in grams, but you should be having a portion of protein every 3 hours, as to go longer results in your body actually breaking down muscle to get the amino acids it needs. Someone who is actively trying to gain lean muscle mass should also be getting up to 30% of their daily caloric intake from proteins. John take it away....

Weight training - Cant help you much. I was advised by a sucessful-looking bodybuilder that in the industry the "accepted" best is 3 setting, with reps between 8 and 12. Increasing the weight when you reach the 12th rep. The last set at least should be taken to the point of muscle failure as that is when the muscle "rips" - its the muscle healing process that causes the muscle to increase in size. Again this might be total crap so please check with someone more knowledgeable.

Interval training - The running method you describe is known as Interval Training. I do mine slightly differently in that my rest interval and pace interval are 90 seconds long after a 5 minute warm-up period.

Specific training for sprinting - I dunno :)
See previous answer. General rule of thumb don't listen to bodybuilders they train in a totally different way to normal people. Protein wise follow what I have already said, the 3 hour rule that bodybuilders use should NOT be used by normal people, I don't want to get into why but basically this huge dose of protein can lead to kidney failure, hence why if you go to the kidney ward of your hospital you normally have bodybuilders there.

Training wise again they are on their own planet, but having said that most use gear (steroids) and this means they are able to train in different ways.

Interval training- There are loads of different ways to do it.


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
what you need to do is identify what muscles you mainly use for pball

once you have done that find an excersise that uses that muscle

sneaky tip #1

try walking on your tip toes, or going from flat foot on the floor and up to your tip toes for about 5 seconds

once that becomes easy increase to ten

then when that becomes easy lift one leg off the floor and then raise your whole body on your tip toe foot thats on the floor

that will build your calf muscles nicley

PLEASE dont over do it!!

its taken me a long time to get my muscles in shape and i dont want you injuring yourself

also try skipping! ( no not down the street ;) )

get a decent rope and do that for about 5 mins a day

much love


stevie n

New Member
Feb 18, 2005
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Originally posted by zxr
I imagine that being a div 1 player you need short bursts of energy more than you need a steady flow over a long period.

One method i have used which is very effective is "lamppost running".

You sprint between alternate lampposts and slow to a jog between the others.
Eg. Jog 200m, then sprint 200m, jog 200m, then sprint 200m......
Its more tiring than it sounds.
But this will increase your Anaerobic Threshold.

This link will explain more about Anaerobic and aerobic energy.

This was recommded to me for Sparring in competition, because i needed access to as much energy as i could get for short periods of time. (the length of one round).

Hope this is of some help :D
Also known as "Fartlek" training :D

stevie n

New Member
Feb 18, 2005
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The term "fartlek" is actually translated to the term "speed play".

If you are altering your speed over a set distance, for a set period of time then all you are doing is fartlek in its basic form.

This helps your capiliaries (sp) open up to allow you body to take in more oxygen when you sprint and increase your bodies ability to perform equally over a long time when running.


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
Right i've just started training (starting tournies soon) and i can do 1.2 miles in 10 mins at 7 MPH, is this good enough or what?

And is doing other excercises such as situps, weight lifting, doing squats etc beneficial or am i wasting my time?