Appologies for not getting back to you on the paint insurance issue.
To awnser your question as fully and correctly as posible I decided to check it out properly and spoke to torribles insurers to most of uks sites so I can only quote UK information.
Official statement
If any player was shot by non feild paint and there was an incedent arrising the player responcible would be at fault and could there fore be sued and would more than likley end up bankrupt. Then the site would also be sued. I did not write down the exact wording but this is pretty much as close as it gets.
In these days of no win no cost insurance cases we all need to be very aware of all the possiblitys
The UKPSF resently made a statment concering saftey breifs and goggles which was also warning every one.
So in awnser to your question yes
As a responsible site with an impecable saftey record we do our very best to insure every one plays a safe fun day and is fully aware of the posibliys.
Part of that is supplying quality paint and keeping it that way.
I am really fussy about our paint just ask adrian at diablo and im sure he would pull a face
only kidding Diablo is great.
We have never had any problems with it being too hard or any other nasties... Ihave already told you about my sherrer scars I vowed arfter that occasion to cancel a day or drive down to DD and pick up fresh paint my self rather than ever inflicting that on any one.
The problem is it takes only one irresponsilbe person to ruin things for every one
Lets look at the biger picture if there was an acident or even just a real nasty take half your face off too close bunker and lets face it it does happen.
Then if the player shoting is not using feild paint then he could be at risk of being sued.
I am not saying we are all a bunch of mersanary bar---ds but it only takes one.