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Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Champagne Ir3 with ridiculous amount of mods.

With good paint it would go: 289 289 289 289 on the chrono.
Quite the party trick.
Hmmm, well you must have had the good one. My Champagne Ir3 Fly went 309, 275, 300, 100, nothing. To be fair it ended up making a nice mantlepiece ornament in my first flat.

Eclipse Cocker. Gun never missed, heatseaking bullets. I kid you not.
And don't forget they had a flatter trajectory too.........;)
Hmmm, well you must have had the good one. My Champagne Ir3 Fly went 309, 275, 300, 100, nothing. To be fair it ended up making a nice mantlepiece ornament in my first flat.
Mine would have been similar to yours when it was new.
WDPs design and quality of machining was the same on all guns. Nobody, not even WDP can produce guns to that standard anymore.

However, I was smart (experienced) enough to know WDP didnt set their guns up right from the factory.
I spent a good few hours with the pressure gauge, grease, the manual (and Johnny Rice in the background), fixing all the problems before I even aired up my gun.

Otherwise it would have probably ended up as an ornament like yours.


Aug 19, 2003
My old Xmag. Wish I had never sold it! Mainly because they are worth around $2000US. Tell me another gun that still fetches that sort of money?

Quality always shoots straight.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Custom Tiberius T8 with First-Strike upgrade and integral safety-activated laser-sight. Its my favourite because I can also shoot raccoons at night due to my actual working silencer.

But for traditional work its the Angel A1 Fly (custom of course)