This is not just aimed at you ION_CRAZY, but quite a few members. Why can't people just keep their thoughts on the value of gear to themselves instead of trying to sabbotage sales that are of no concern to them.
Lets not forget these are often the same people who are complaining about the value of 2nd hand gear in the UK
Why don't all you 'gear evaluators' drink a nice big cup of STFU and keep your views to yourself. Or if you really feel the urge to say something or see someone new to the boards selling something seriously overpriced (usually due to not being in the market for while), then drop them an informative PM about it instead of accusing them of daylight robbery or how worthless their **** is.
There should be a sticky rule about jacking peoples threads, raising issues about prices. If you don't like the price of an item, piss off and don't buy it.
If tricky put up his I3's at £200 initially you'd have probably all bitched about it too, but that's not your place to do so. If someone wants to pay a certain amount for something, that's their choice. A seller can advertise something for as much as they like, they will ultimately decide if a price is too high or not.
Nice gat btw