Hi Demonic. Rather than mailing you, I'll post here as others may find my suggestions useful.
First think to do is scan the Classifieds here regularly, there are always teams looking for new players. Contact them, tell them (truthfully) your experience level, kit, ambitions etc. Hopefully they'll offer you a tryout if you seem to be what they are looking for.
Another thing is to get yourself along to any open training days that are being run. Most teams invite other teams or even individuals to their training days as it's much easier to practice if there's a decent number of players.
Get yourself along to tourneys, twofold reasons here. Firstly, you will learn an awful lot about tourney play just by watching more experienced players. Secondly, once you've watched enough to feel you could play without embarassing yourself, start taking your kit along in the car & tell the organiser you are looking for a game. Occasionally teams have problems getting a full squad together or get let down at the last moment so there's sometimes the chance of getting a game. Once you've done that a few times (provided you are any good at all) you may well get an offer from a team.
I notice you're from Sussex. Assuming you have your own transport then I would recommend a) attending Sparklie's training academies & b) popping along to Temple to watch some tourneys.
Good luck, & have fun. Would offer you a trial with my lot, but you would have to have a rather painful & embarassing operation to fulfil one of the physical requirements!