I love this topic and when i get a chance i will bore you lot to bits with my sometimes wild theories.
But yes Robbo is totally correct we have not stopped evolving for example even in the last few hundred years our mouths are getting smaller and smaller plain and simply because we do not chew as much as we used to. Our ears are less sensitive then they were maybe a few thousand years ago, our muscles (well most peoples who are not chemically enhanced) have become not as a big. We are generally becoming less tolerant to adverse weather and conditions etc.
But yes Robbo is totally correct we have not stopped evolving for example even in the last few hundred years our mouths are getting smaller and smaller plain and simply because we do not chew as much as we used to. Our ears are less sensitive then they were maybe a few thousand years ago, our muscles (well most peoples who are not chemically enhanced) have become not as a big. We are generally becoming less tolerant to adverse weather and conditions etc.