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Events 09 or New BT avatar mask

Jim Jam

Dusty's #1 Fan!
Jan 4, 2012
Horsham, West Sussex
its personal choice but had a nearly brand new set of 09 events and sold them again with out even playing
the grillz are so easy to clean and pull apart and very very comfy
I still might have to get some!

Mmmm..... Must remember in game speech, Guys, if it starts to rain, please don't shoot the marshal in the head.
Why can't I have protection AND usability?
Haha that speech! ;)
Reminds me i got shot in the head marshaling yesterday! :confused:

Ben lambert

Jun 3, 2012
I still might have to get some!

Haha that speech! ;)
Reminds me i got shot in the head marshaling yesterday! :confused:
I marshal at two sites, one uses 0.68 other 0.50. Maybe I'll have a word with bosses so if it is raining I cam marshal at 0.50 site so I don't need my head protecting. Lol. First time I wore them with peak TWO forehead shots (0.68, ouch), maybe fat head Rooney is reading this and he could give tips on receeding hair line protection!.
Saying all I have, I like the lens removal system.
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Jim Jam

Dusty's #1 Fan!
Jan 4, 2012
Horsham, West Sussex
I marshal at two sites, one uses 0.68 other 0.50. Maybe I'll have a word with bosses so if it is raining I cam marshal at 0.50 site so I don't need my head protecting. Lol. First time I wore them with peak TWO forehead shots (0.68, ouch), maybe fat head Rooney is reading this and he could give tips on receeding hair line protection!.
Saying all I have, I like the lens removal system.
It hurts but i say shoot me and i will get the delta elite on you! ;)
Works a lot, the guy who shot me was another marshall 'fixing' someones gun.
He got what was coming to him!

My mask works in all weather and i use the peak a lot (it rains a lot) and i wear a headband for forehead protection. Otherwise i use the brow peak! :)

Anyways sort of off subject but a good mask for marshaling and playing is the 09 E-vents.
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In My Scope? Smile!
Feb 11, 2012
Thanks for all the replys and info guys, but gonna stay with the E-Vent Avatars for a little longer.;)
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