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Europe's first ever Tippmann Challenge Official Event Launch


Wear what you want, shoot what you want, use whatever paint you want. It's all good. :)

Approximately 35% (and growing) of players at scenario games nowadays wear and shoot tournie style clothing. The days of it being all camo and realistic guns are well gone.

When I play nowadays, I tend to be naked from the waist down. I find it puts the opposition off somewhat and also keeps me cool.


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
A post by Timboy on UKsenario last night


Just a quick heads up (everyone who has booked in will get this message on an email tomorrow as well).

Firstly, the site will have nearly 300 rental customers on-site and arriving at 9am on the Saturday morning.

The player pack says that registration opens at 1000 but nothing really is happening until 12noon.

We don't really want hundreds of TC customers arriving at the crack of dawn earlier than the advertised time of 1000 or it'll be log-jam city with 300 rentals arriving at the same time. Therefore, please avoid turning up earlier than the advertised 1000 time.

Secondly, we have to be respectful of the site owners rental customers on the Saturday. The event has been organised with painstaking detail to ensure that there is no real reason for the rental customers and the TC customers to mix. We all know how paintball works - so bragging to rental customers that you are paying £25 for a box that they are paying £100 for will not be cool at all. It would be unfair to leave the site owner with 300 unhappy customers just because one of us was playing the big 'I am' in front of a crowd of rentals.

So - being cool and respectful of the sites rental customers will be most appreciated.

Site walking can take place from 4pm onwards.

Any groups of 10 players who fancy taking on the Tippmann UK Team in the Tippmann UK Team Challenge - drop me a PM. We'll also be rounding up groups on the day. I'm particularly keen to get a group of 10 youngsters together and 10 females to show the guys how it's done!

Also, the site owner has invested in bringing in a bar for this event with draught beer and chilled wine and babycham for Tony and Al. Clearly, any beer that doesn't sell is going to cost him money so ideally I'm hoping we can drink him dry. He's said that lager will not be more than £3 a pint and it'll be cold.

May have already been mentioned - but sun is forecast for Saturday. Sunday........less so

Just 5 days guys!


Jun 19, 2010
Man ignore what I just said there.......
Just completely had a spazz

So there will be rentals on the day other than the TC players (like general public players)?


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
So we are playing at the same time as rentals?
I'm confused, I thought the rentals would be playing with us TC guys?

Also the prices for boxes of paint? Do we get like armbands that say we are either rentals or walk on players?

(or am i being a spazz and not really understanding this piece of text fully)
Chap read the player pack. I read it last night and it said that there will be renatls playing on a diffrent field saturday only.

The tippmann challange lot (us) will be using diffrent fields on the saturday (as we are just having small games) so we will not clash. But on the sunday we are using all the fields and there will be no rentals there on sunday.

Also we will be buying out paint from the traders and the rentals will be buying from the site.


Naked fun time
Oct 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
The normal site customers will be using parts of the site on satuday, this has nothing to do with the TC and as such, Tim was aking us not be bragging how cheap we get paint etc . . courtesy to the site owner and something I would urge you to comply with.

During the TC, although mainly own gunners you can bring a mate and they can rent site equipment.

Players packs defo worth a read, good maps and game info! Ive read it a few times and will be firing an email out to the GSS facebook group tomorrow.


Jun 19, 2010
ooooooohhh i see now, thanks for sorting that :p

btw the forecast seems to have changed (from what i see anyway) Sunday seems to be a little bit better with sun with some cloud...


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Im really tempted to come for the sundays main game! dont know anyone going tho :(
we're one big family chap all helping each other out. Come along i'm sure you'll make some new friends within 5 mins.

I just walk round talking to random people if they like it or not lol