So I have an undisclosed amount of money to spend
and i am confident it will be more than enough to buy whatever you miserable lot have to offer.
Now here is the thing, I don't want your Uber upped Ion, or tippy, or *******ised Shocker inbred mix of sft, tonton, with a dynasty trigger and NXT laazorrrrr eyes.... which is 6 different colours...
I am on the lookout for something a little less ordinary.
I have a max price for one individual marker, but may be tempted to purchase two.......
What will interest me.
Nexus cocker graphite fade only....
A1's (must have all gen 2/3 parts)
Nexus Egos (not as much but if price is right who knows)
What will not interest me,
Standard Egos
Pre 06 speed angels
shockers unless something exceptional
dm's (got one)
pm's unless really stupidly cheap and 07
standard eblades
What you got?????