Cheers for the advise m8, the only thing is I live in Norfolk and I don't think we get any walkon's around here (f*ckers are still in the 19th century round here, wish I stayed in Hertfordshire) and the site I work at are too lazy to get off there arses and get the fields sorted properly. Any one know where the next walk on/ tourny is near here?
Originally posted by Wadidiz
Í think all you need to do is keep doing what you're doing. Learn the rules backwards and forward. Volunteer to ref at some of the local tournaments. Most fields have occasional tournaments where they often need some extra refs. Then decide if you can handle taking Chris Lasoya or Alex Fraige or Bob Long off the field for playing on or wiping (just examples of famous players, not that these people would cheat). Some people can't handle it. If you can't don't bother reffing.
In my opinion.