I traded a VL for Magna, then traded the Magna back for a VL for a couple reasons:
I'm not used to the 'sound activated' hoppers. So when I emptied the hopper, my Ego wouldn't fire (eyes weren't activated) and make noise, so the Magna wouldn't cycle the new balls I just loaded. So I had to use the rip-drive a lot. It was just a habit I didn't wasn't used to and didn't like. You just have to get used to it.
I did like the fact that the Magna held more balls than a VL, though you had to tip it to get the last few if you had the 'high capacity' floor fitted.
The Magna was a bit better on batteries, but then I usually left it on all day, while I turn off the VL after each game. I preferred knowing the VL was off or on. Sometimes it was hard to see if the Magna was on or not.
The key to batteries, regardless of the hopper, is
rechargeable. Ebay has a lot from HongKong for cheapish. The higher the mAH the better. Plus, batteries are toxic waste and use a ton of resources. Gotta support Mother Earth, too

The Magna can be much fussier if you mess with the magnets in the cone and clutch drive. It is much more 'customizable', but if you don't know what you're doing, you might end up punting it into the next field. You've also got to turn it on somewhere quietish and dial in the settings to your marker. This was a bit a pain for me. The VL is just 'on and go' once you set your tension.
The Magna sits pretty far back, too. Which you quickly get used to, but if you've got a Mini, you might bump your head on it a couple times in the start. But it's nice to have a lower profile and not have it stick out as far and have fewer hopper shots.
To me, the peccadilloes of the VL are the screws that strip their threads easy (don't over tighten!) and the awkward shape of it (it stands pretty high). The Jr has a larger and better angled mouth (but smaller capacity), as well as the XSV and Dynasty (are they Jr.s in capacity?) But you can also buy 'giant mouth' shells for the standard VL. I think the Jr. Crown will fit the Jr and the XSV/Dynasty/giant mouth. I have a Crown for my standard and it works great. There are also some good chips for it. I have a Hyperdrive, but I'm not yet convinced it's really helping much with battery life or else wise. In a day, I will use 2 x 280 mAh 9volts for 3/4 of a day, then change them for 2 more to finish the day.
That's my 2 cents. Phew!