No it wasn’t you. I work nights so I’m in a constant state of vampirism lolOh, my dude, I wasn't trying to be abrasive.
£170 is even better plus its a force fed loader there? empire reloader I think, which makes it a better buy.
please just take the advice not to buy one of those cheap bottles tho... and keep borrowing that from a site.
If you want to spend the 45 quid buy the pops asa as its a quality of life improvement... or even a reasonable second hand barrel.
Hey... if the ASA ends up being broken when you get it... I will send you a working one.
That and the fact that I’ve NEVER bought a second hand Paintball Marker, I was just going to buy it brand new but if I can get it a bit cheaper then crack on lol
this is the tank that would have come with it as part of the package. I may buy it so that I just have one and then I’ll save up for a better one