With that budget you have the choice of any top end marker via the classifieds.
Ego 08
Ego SL74
DM8 Team edition ie Nexus or Ironman.
Angel Fly
All are fantastic and it's down to personal choice which to get.
Thanks for the infoI agree with marco until and upto the point of the SL74 You would be lucky to get one of these within your price bracket.
Also i would add a Droid ,,
But my preference would be with the ego range . not alot of difference between the ego 07 & 08 .
So i would buy a good ego 07 for around £300 - £320 and save some dosh.
If you are interested i have both for sale + a spanking new PM8 Ltd edition all within your price bracket, give me a pm if interested.
latas Carl
Thanks for the infoWhat's the difference between a PM8 and a DM8?
Also, I could buy this (http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=113380) for £380 but I'm not sure if I should since I could get a standard Ego 07 for around £320 as you said. But this one is so beautifullSo I'm really unsure!