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Ego advice


New Member
Dec 11, 2008
South West
I am thinking of getting an Ego 07 or 08, my price range is up to about £400. Basically my question is whether there are any guns which are equivalent in performance/all round goodness to the above guns? And what should I get for my money.. :p:cool:

Impulse raider

Jun 4, 2008
all mentioned gats

With that budget you have the choice of any top end marker via the classifieds.

Ego 08
Ego SL74
DM8 Team edition ie Nexus or Ironman.
Angel Fly

All are fantastic and it's down to personal choice which to get.

Laters :)

I agree with marco until and upto the point of the SL74 You would be lucky to get one of these within your price bracket.

Also i would add a Droid ,,

But my preference would be with the ego range . not alot of difference between the ego 07 & 08 .

So i would buy a good ego 07 for around £300 - £320 and save some dosh.

If you are interested i have both for sale + a spanking new PM8 Ltd edition all within your price bracket, give me a pm if interested.

latas Carl


New Member
Dec 11, 2008
South West
I agree with marco until and upto the point of the SL74 You would be lucky to get one of these within your price bracket.

Also i would add a Droid ,,

But my preference would be with the ego range . not alot of difference between the ego 07 & 08 .

So i would buy a good ego 07 for around £300 - £320 and save some dosh.

If you are interested i have both for sale + a spanking new PM8 Ltd edition all within your price bracket, give me a pm if interested.

latas Carl
Thanks for the info :) What's the difference between a PM8 and a DM8?

Also, I could buy this (http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=113380) for £380 but I'm not sure if I should since I could get a standard Ego 07 for around £320 as you said. But this one is so beautifull :confused: So I'm really unsure!


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Epworth, Doncaster
pm8 and dm8s are very similar but shooot different ! i would go for an ego had a number of guns and the ego is by far the easyiest to maintain and i think is one of the most reliable guns you can get ! also that gat u suggested is a beast if i had the money i would go for it but you are payin the extra for looks not for performance so a standard 07 will shoot as good if you set it up right !!

you cant go wrong with an ego mate in my opinion best guns around people will disagree but i love them, shot the 09, 08 and 07 and really nothing overly different i would go for a nice 07 keep your money for tornys as its an expensive day !!

Impulse raider

Jun 4, 2008
Thanks for the info :) What's the difference between a PM8 and a DM8?

Also, I could buy this (http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=113380) for £380 but I'm not sure if I should since I could get a standard Ego 07 for around £320 as you said. But this one is so beautifull :confused: So I'm really unsure!

Its an EGO07 at the end of the day just fancy and yes looks the buisness, but is no better in performance than any other standard ego 07..

At the end of the days its your money to spend and you spend it how you feel fit as we all would ...

Cheers Carl


New Member
Dec 11, 2008
South West
With that budget you have the choice of any top end marker via the classifieds.

Ego 08
Ego SL74
DM8 Team edition ie Nexus or Ironman.
Angel Fly

All are fantastic and it's down to personal choice which to get.

Laters :)
Would a PM8 comes into that list?


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2008
Both shoot the same, there so similar internally.
I currently have an ego08 (i may be selling after christmas) and i chose the 08 over the 07 because of how the trigger feels. You have to feel them and shoot them to knowthe differances. many people are willing to let you shoot their guns for a game or two, even a whole day if you ask nicely