Best comment on here. If you use this with Chriz suggestion of Cooling your are laughing because with the two small strap spanners it will split easy. Then lube it to prevent this again.
rubber washing up gloves for extra grip, then when its appart make sure it has an oring on it and put some oil or grease in the threads before you put it back together
still no luck, i have tried the dry firing idea and all that did was make the tip slippy so i couldnt get a proper grip
tried the rubber glove one and using a wrench
its stuck in there tight
looks like i will have to keep it as a one piece then haha
Last resort is put something small through the holes in the porting (allen key or something) and try twisting it off that way... long shot but might work!
Last resort is put something small through the holes in the porting (allen key or something) and try twisting it off that way... long shot but might work!