Been having a nose around the PB nation settings appears that some people are running COFF times (Only CON is affected by the Eye) around 19...however...Flash has told me that Jack Runs 25 Milliseconds.
I have to think, when it comes to the sequences for what I can gather it goes a bit like this.
Marker is cocked with a ball in the breech.
Pull the trigger (releases hammer)...SON time determines how long the sear is released for...this can be as short as you like, but must actually be long enough to release the hammer, otherwise, it will be down and up before th hammer can move!!
Then you have a delay between the sear being released, and the gun starting to recock..this is determined by CDEL. This allows time for the hammer to hit the valve, open it..and allow sufficient time for the air to flow through, and push the ball out, before the Ram starts to push the bolt back, to reload....if this time is too short, the bolt will move back, before the valve has closed which means insufficent air will flow, to push the ball out and will give drop off and also (I think) lead to inefficiency....if its too long, this will give dead time, which reduces rate of fire. It would seem to me, that the best timing for this part, means that the bolt is starting to move back AS the valve is closing, overlap if you like.
I think it will also produce Blowback, if not correct., now you have the ram pushing the block back...this is determined by CON...CON comprises of two parts...a) The opening time, which is how long the solenoid must be powered up for, to allow the ram to push the block back far enough to just catch the sear and B) The load time, which is how much time is allowed for the ball to drop fully into the breech, as I said a HALO B takes about 20 milliseconds to do the combined times for each bit, will give the minimum CON time....if too short, the gun will not recock..if too long, again this will reduce maximum ROF., we should have the gun recocked, and a ball in the breech. Dont forget, that in Eye mode he gun decides how long this needs to be.
Then as soon as the CON time has expired, or the Eye detects a ball...the solenoid switchesair to the back of the ram to close, the bolt...this is determined by the COFF time...this is how long it takes, for the Ram to close the bolt back up again, ready for the next shot.
Right..bear in mind...that, SON and CDEL start at the same time so they overlap, they are not one after the other.
Say it takes 20MS to open the bolt and cock the gun, and a further 20 MS to load teh if you set COFF time too short, with the EYE off relying on too short a CON time the bolt will retract, before the ball is fully loaded, which means it wil either not load the ball, or it will chop it..if te COFF time is too will reduce maximum ROF..
Im not too sure where im going with this now, coz my brain hurts!! So..can anyone settle my thoughts on exactly what will cause blowback...I have my ideas, but want tehm confirmed, as although it seems obvious, never having had the not 100%!!