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Dynasty pro clinic ( U.K )


New Member
Sep 27, 2005
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Are there still places left? :) I'm definately up for it if there are. And, are spectators allowed? I've got a couple friends who want to go down and see what it's all about but probably won't be able to play


New Member
Feb 7, 2005
manchester greater
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wow markie top one lad.

you turn away from paintball for two mins when u come back its like a totaly diffrent game,

this is amazing well done markie .

sky's the limit ay matey

hi guys not spoken to you ballers in a while,
hows it going hi russ

sorry for spaming your posts markie again well done m8

best paintball venue in manchester greater manchester , northern quarter


Markie C

Carlos Spicy Weiner
Aug 1, 2004
Northern Quarter
as you are all aware Ollie Lang has left dynasty to join the iron men.

Due to this move and Ollie will not be attending this pro clinic.

Ollie really wanted to come but due to a number of reason's he can not make it.
We have already booked Ollie for next year and he will be sorting out our All star clinic we have planned.

We have tried our up most to make this happen but last night Ollie made the decision that he would not be coming.

believe me we did not See this coming and like i have said we have tried every thing to make it happen.

We have brought another of the main dynasty players over for you

and would like to welcome Brian (BC) Cole to the clinic with Ryan,Todd and Brian i still see this as the training event of the year.

Dynasty,ollie lang, and the Northern Quarter would like to apologise for to every one who wanted Ollie to come.

We have 20 places now back up but did have a waitting list so the places will be going to them first so book in now so you dont miss out

Please fell free to get in touch if you need any more info on this

Phone no :07773322919

Email markie@northernquarterpb.com


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
hey its all good.any of the dynobots is good for me,will be awscrum to meet and learn from any of them,,,

good on you for trying though dude.his loss :rolleyes: