i have died my hopper. the dye is easy to find. just go to any optician and ask em for a fwe bottles of the dye they use to do polycarbonate lenses.
then just just get a big big big feck off sacepan, and an old towel. lay the towel in the bottom of thepan so the heat doesnt melt the hopper peices. and fill it with water.
bring it to the boil and then add the dye.
carfully lay the peices of the hopper in the towel and turn the water down to a simmer. this dye has to be kept reasonably hot to work. it keeps the pores open in the plastic.
put the lid on the pan and come back and check it every hour or so, when you are happy with the tint ( i think i had mine on there for about 4 - 5 hours) take the parts out of the dye solution and run them under cold water to close the pores in the plastic.
dry thouroghly and reassemble.
the end result:
EDIT: um i cant get the pic to post properly. can someone either tell me how to do it, or can one of the mods alter for me? ta