Yeah they all walk in and say bonjour my fellow french men we are from Jersey Viva la france!!! are you the french judges for todays event lol
And the punchline of the joke would have read something like this:-
Non, mais le fait de juger sur le Champ 2 aurait été plus honnête si cela avait été des Juges français et pas des membres de DV8!
I have just re-read this thread and even though I have said that I would not get involved in dragging ol'crap up I feel that one comment needs to be addressed:
as field ultimate was right ontop of Sue when she shot 4 of you out the hits she recieved was the one she was elimnated for and the others were after she was eliminated and was walking off the field . I was the other guy coming up the other tape to shoot your last 3 in the ass . Also you werent the only team shooting chronic at us .
I was the second last player on the Warriors to leave the field and was shot by the 'wench'

from the t-bag, even though we had been screaming that she had been hit before making it into the bag, that left only our right-back corner man still in play so how, in the name of all that is holy, did you come up the other tape to shoot our last 3 in the ass??
Anybody smell that? Yeah, me too, *cough*bull*****cough*!