Dammit AJermstad!
Ahem, anyway - I know what you mean! I ain't played for a couple of weeks either! I was supposed to go practice with the team I'm on about two weeks ago but I was sick dammit!
If you're the "Bloke in charge of organising the team", how about arranging a day to go and play? Like, well, lets see - maybe Sunday perhaps?? Umm......in the morning sometime, till....um....the evening sometime maybe? And tell them to remember to bring their PB equipment, and umm - that's about it! There we go! All done! Who said being the captain was a hard responsibility! Phooey!
Mwa ha ha ha!! You are now inferior compared to my almight powers!! (Ummm.....note the, um 'Almighty Member' thing under name, good, good) - And don't even think about starting that one word per post crap again!!Originally posted by Richard Kirke (DUPS Rocket) UK
You have overtaken me on post count!
At least I have four stars too!
Bow down to the Four Star members! For we are all Sad
Ahem, anyway - I know what you mean! I ain't played for a couple of weeks either! I was supposed to go practice with the team I'm on about two weeks ago but I was sick dammit!
If you're the "Bloke in charge of organising the team", how about arranging a day to go and play? Like, well, lets see - maybe Sunday perhaps?? Umm......in the morning sometime, till....um....the evening sometime maybe? And tell them to remember to bring their PB equipment, and umm - that's about it! There we go! All done! Who said being the captain was a hard responsibility! Phooey!