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Dominations at unreal

scott essery

New Member
Jul 6, 2005
hia hammy

you ok mate as that sounds a bad injury buddy :(:(:eek:we could starp you to chris' quad and you could have your own apc on sunday ;);):D:D

come on up stokecity me ol mucker:cool:

im sure chri will do you a deal and if you keep hammy company on his 4 wheeled tank it could be fun ;)

me and jim will be there to lend support to whatever happens on the day

frank are you out there?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2007
Staffordshire, England
The only problem I have with old style domination now is how far away the safe area is from the fields it plays across. With a 3000psi fill in my bottle I can shoot about 6 pods and a hopper, thats 1100 paintballs.... my marker shoots 15 per second, that is 73 seconds of firing I get before I have to go refill on air.

Most of the time we'll attack hard, capture the castle then 1 by 1 we will run out of air and have to go back to refill. By the time I'd refilled and walked back down the castle was lost due to lack of defenders.

If we are going to play the old style domination we need some dive tanks filled with air in the middle of Rubber, because a 10 minute walk to get air and get back is too much.

Personally I would like to see the Push game changed in to a Push / Pull game where both teams respawn and even when the village is lost defenders have the option to push back and recapture it.