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Domination-how was it for you? - and a red win i think.


Mad For It
Dec 30, 2006
yeah he was a dirty red haha i just seen it in Nobbys Video he was on it we had a laugh and a joke about it after

Nobby you missed my last man stand it was at the end of the first game you filmed you was on the otherside of the field so.. nvm good vid though ill watch the other one


Mad For It
Dec 30, 2006
what do people expect i think everyone had money to burn that day i would of been shaking without a gun, with the amount of paint going down


If it Fly's it Dies
Apr 18, 2006
Stoke on Trent
what do people expect i think everyone had money to burn that day i would of been shaking without a gun, with the amount of paint going down
At one point it sounded like a hail stones on a tin roof, it was brill to watch from the side with the play in a small area. I don't think filming would have done it's self justice with out cutting ang croping lots of film in a full woods game.

scott essery

New Member
Jul 6, 2005

how can shooting a player on the ground be seen as ok?

it was myself and jim who did the run and he was hit 5 times

your "50" hits much have been bouncers as im do not question your ability to count


when your running it takes a few seconds to stop and when your firing at 20 bps the runner can be hit 40 times without being able to do anything

its not cheating its physics

i am keen to meet you next month at domination

also unless you rethink your attitude about safety and shooting obveously hit players i think unreal might have an issue with you

as for reds cheating i was in the holly bush in the village last game and saw 6 blues wiping

but thats another thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
about this issue of wiping,

if i'm hit and it's not a shot i can see i'll often wipe at the area with my glove, if there is any paint on my glove it's an obivous hit so i walk , however if there is no paint on my glove i'll then ask the nearest person (marshal, team mate or oposition) if the shot broke.

if not i'll carry on.

Wiping is not something i'd do ( whats the point ) .

i was on the red team and i have to say i didn't see either team wipe at all ( maybe i'm just blind ) but unreal always seems to be good fun and friendly.

Another point

there was a guy in a funny hat on the blues team, i shot him out on the village game and he put his hand up straight away and was walking off as he got hit a few more times, this wasn't beacuse people wanted to light him up more the fact that the area the others were shooting from couldn't see his hand up.

i point this out just to show that most people there are there for fun and wont light you up on perpose.

i took two girls with me group this time, adn due to the number they were on the blues team , they couldn't praise you guys enough and pointed out the everyone they met was polite and friendly :)

looking forward to the 29th now.:D

and who did win as it was something like 1600 blues to 1400 reds just before the rubber rampage games.

I'll be wearing an eclipse red/black/gold top and white i3's at the next unreal so please pop over and say hello:)