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Do Not Deal With Stevenrules Uk


Active Member
Apr 12, 2004
South Wales

Thank you for not closing the post,I think he has had his warning, I have sold the hopper. What annoyed me is he sent 4 pms to me, asking for my addy, then saying he had sent the money, and when I re contacted him he said the money had been sent and he would look into it. Even the guy I sold it to waited as I said I had sold it but the money had not been received.
DONT PROMISE TO BUY IF YOU DONT WANT SOMETHING, there are other people who do want to buy items and it just messes everyone about.
Stevenrules I still have your pms, just dont mess other people about.
I think enough said on subject.Mods please close if you wish,ranting done;)
Evil Saints