just after a bit of info i am totally new to this i am thinking of going to paint fest 2014 but can only go on the sunday so what exacly does the £65-£70 paintfest ticket get me in total i have my own gear and would i be able to play in dimond wars i will be coming alone any help much appreciated
Yes matey, your ticket will allow you to play the big game on Sunday... You just need to pay for paint and you're good to go, I expect game on will be around 10am so plan to arrive as early as possible to get space in staging.
Too bad you'll miss out on all the other stuff NPF have planned... Saturday's party usually goes down a storm, not to mention the mini-big games running all day Saturday and the mass of traders that will be present. I think it's three days again this year @Milky ? NPF command can confirm...
Get booked in to USDE (blue) and come say hi to Onslaught Special Forces or the A:RK Angels if you're looking to run with a group