LOL...Please don't read anything in this but it's funny when ever Robbo post something, how there is this swath of "Robbo for prime minister" and "You da man" posts after it...
As for people getting anal about not being picked for the English X-ball squad...I have no time for politics. I'm a black and white kinda guy. If the offending people had as much chance to attend the trials with no pre-judgement about their previous performance, and failed to make the cut then that is fair enough. If they did make the trials, performed well, but due to previous "poor" performance, were not selected, than that might be unfair as who knows the previous results of those who have been selected. And if they just plain didn't attend but said "We're England's top players" so we should be on the team, then LOL...
As for the Danes having to pull out. That’s a bummer. I don't have a full appreciation for their situation at home with existing tourney commitments. And if this has gotten political with as Robbo worded it "The goal posts being moved" than that sucks. But the costs mentioned ($600 + living expenses) doesn't seem that bad. We're not all rich, but I'd pay $600 and live on two-minute noodles to play at X-Ball. Again, I don't have an appreciation for the Danish team's current situation, so just ignore me...Everyone else does.