I have a very very very good return rate to my site but i am not charging them £6 / 100.
Over heads do not reduce as marshal ratio per punter is the same, they all eat the same they all need the same washing. They all need a co2 bottle filled, they all need the masks cleaned afterwards etc etc.
Paintballs are a lot cheaper in states as they don't need to get on a boat and take a trip before they get to you.
The adverage american spends something like 3 times the ammount on sport and leisure than a Brit does. But there way of life is cheaper all round than ours.
Sadly that is fact and I wish I could have the same life style.
Over heads do not reduce as marshal ratio per punter is the same, they all eat the same they all need the same washing. They all need a co2 bottle filled, they all need the masks cleaned afterwards etc etc.
Paintballs are a lot cheaper in states as they don't need to get on a boat and take a trip before they get to you.
The adverage american spends something like 3 times the ammount on sport and leisure than a Brit does. But there way of life is cheaper all round than ours.
Sadly that is fact and I wish I could have the same life style.