Originally Posted by Jimmothy View Post
I will have you know that delta force marshalls (well especially at leewood) work very hard, and for you to call them a waste of space, well words cannot describe to what I think of you at this moment in time. Also it is a bussiness, there purpose is to make money. If you dont want to pay there prices then dont go, but don't go calling delta force day light robbery because it isn't. They are making money, good for them, if you could do it im sure you would, but your not, and also the marshalls work hard and it is a more demanding job than you may think! So go be a marshall for a day then call us a waste of space. RANT OVER
QFT - being an ex-marshall for DF myself, i have got to say we were run ragged all day because of the sheer numbers of people you have to look after!
lw2309 have you marshalled at a Delta Force site?? If you haven't then why don't you give it a whirl and then comment...
true the paint is over priced and is harder than reballs, but all the marshalls i know/ knew do a great job at looking after people, so that they have a fun day!
2p's worth added
I will have you know that delta force marshalls (well especially at leewood) work very hard, and for you to call them a waste of space, well words cannot describe to what I think of you at this moment in time. Also it is a bussiness, there purpose is to make money. If you dont want to pay there prices then dont go, but don't go calling delta force day light robbery because it isn't. They are making money, good for them, if you could do it im sure you would, but your not, and also the marshalls work hard and it is a more demanding job than you may think! So go be a marshall for a day then call us a waste of space. RANT OVER
QFT - being an ex-marshall for DF myself, i have got to say we were run ragged all day because of the sheer numbers of people you have to look after!
lw2309 have you marshalled at a Delta Force site?? If you haven't then why don't you give it a whirl and then comment...
true the paint is over priced and is harder than reballs, but all the marshalls i know/ knew do a great job at looking after people, so that they have a fun day!
2p's worth added