Hi Tom Tom, long time no see! No, this isn't a 'con', (my my aren't folks suspicious of everything DF on here)?
DF are currently trialling the BT Ironhorse with Apex barrel, at 2 of our centres, in limited numbers, as a gun 'upgrade option' as we realise that some customers prefer to have something a little different than everyone else. The Apex, as said above, adds backspin to the ball which lifts the ball into a higher trajectory than usual. When the Apex is rotated left or right the backspin in effect becomes sidespin which means the ball will curve quite noticeably to the left or right. In laymens terms, yes it 'shoots round corners'. It can be used to hook the ball sharply downwards too.
We are totally happy with our site Infernos and have no intention of replacing them. In fact we are so happy with them that we asked the makers of the Inferno (Powerball/Arrow)to make us an upgrade gun with the same internals as the Inferno.
We will also be trialling other markers similar in appearance to the BT Ironhorse in the future, until we decide which gun is most suitable to use as the DF upgrade gun.
Any suppliers out there wanting us to try out their gun, plz contact me on guppy@paintballgames.co.uk.
DF are currently trialling the BT Ironhorse with Apex barrel, at 2 of our centres, in limited numbers, as a gun 'upgrade option' as we realise that some customers prefer to have something a little different than everyone else. The Apex, as said above, adds backspin to the ball which lifts the ball into a higher trajectory than usual. When the Apex is rotated left or right the backspin in effect becomes sidespin which means the ball will curve quite noticeably to the left or right. In laymens terms, yes it 'shoots round corners'. It can be used to hook the ball sharply downwards too.
We are totally happy with our site Infernos and have no intention of replacing them. In fact we are so happy with them that we asked the makers of the Inferno (Powerball/Arrow)to make us an upgrade gun with the same internals as the Inferno.
We will also be trialling other markers similar in appearance to the BT Ironhorse in the future, until we decide which gun is most suitable to use as the DF upgrade gun.
Any suppliers out there wanting us to try out their gun, plz contact me on guppy@paintballgames.co.uk.