Originally posted by Magued
I also heard about 25 000 or 30 000 Usd.
But the deal was that the x-ball teams would pay entry to the EXL and not to the millennium events. But additional costs would be covered.
I said then that I would be glad to have Joy in for x-ball but I could not do Joy masters.
IF we had a proposal that covered the loss of 8 European pro teams I would be able to make it.
Really simple actuelly, but do you think we could get 8 Euro teams that can pay that kind of money?
firstly, as u say, the amount being bandied around was that figure but in reality, it would need not have been anywhere near that.
I sat down with a few others and worked out a rough guess-timate as to what was needed from say 8 teams, but also I factored in a degree of financial support from the promoters, in this case, the ones who were to be direct beneficiaries.
All this meant that the teams had to put no more than 2000 USD in.
Could we have gotten 8 teams in ?
Good question, I don't honestly know but that’s because we never really tried for God's sake.
You could, we could, Ducklings looked as tho they could, Russians could as well as Ton Tons, well that's five right there.
We only needed another three !!!!
Not enough effort was put into getting the other three as you well know and this is not a criticism of you in any way because this was not your responsibility.
But it all beggars the question, if we can ask 3000 USD from the Nation’s cup teams, why the frikkin hell wasn't that opportunity extended to the original proposal ?