yes yes and yes oh and oh no!!!!!
well from what points i have also heard yes guys great tourney dave kieran and liz well done.
marshall's : we surprisingly were on the end of a few bad calls this tourney(doesn't happen that much to us lol)but i take nothing away from these boys (and gals if there were any?) Windsor Berks,Outkast's boys and the independants.
set up : the whole site is gonna be a superb venue and am sure dave has plans for it the only things that let it down were a couple of ikkle fings the toilet's,netting height??(one of our spectators got one in the head whilst watching a game on field 3)
food(outta there control i believe?mc d's was nice though at lunch time lol)and the marquee not turning up all teething problems guys am i am speaking for the whole team when i say guys well done and look forward to the next one.
twisty a.b. all u guys again was a great game always a pleasure losing to u guys lol look forward to the ongoing rivalry guys 
(as long as we are still in ure division cause the results we got show what a ****e day we had hope we get to stay up as we deserve and want to be in a minimum of that division.
wolf pac well done guys u've come on in leaps and bounds since we played u last at m25 and storm lightning surprised to see u guys in div 3 but well done all the same and tell potbitch i'll have his 20 notes for him at the next one lol
anyway guys that was me first tourney since campaign and i loved it,
absolutly gutted with our result but hey what can u do back to the training field........
regards and respect