Originally posted by Dunerat
I have tried both and found the A4 very dificult to shoot a quick stream out of as with the timmy i didnt, can anyone explain this or is it just down to how i shoot?
It's all in the way the trigger is set.
Majority of people sod and fart around with those 'Vernier Trigger Wheels' thinkin' that they are clever. If you don't adjust the TOE screw whilst doing so, it's all a waste of time.........
You hear hoards of the Yanks over on AOG complaining that their markers are faulty and they can only shoot 11-13 bps (on the readout). If I had a pound for every one of them that had the problem diagnosed as a poorly set-up trigger, I'd be rich by now.
I won't slate the Alias. Never used one myself. But then, now I have the FLY, I don't want to use one.
The FLY definately wins on looks in my book. Everything else in this world can be substituted for a cheaper version execpt........... CLASS......... Don't think anyone will argue that the FLY doesn't look good.
I really like it.........
When you shoot each marker, BE SURE TO CHECK that they have no bounce in the trigger set-up. So I hear, Timmy's looooove bounchy triggers. No bounce is THE ONLY TOURNAMENT LEGAL MODE, at present.......