Originally posted by Kevin
is this on the 1st of august ?
we are thinking of entering a team,
is it to late ?
also can you let me know the entry fee.
we would like to go into division 1 if possible.
dont know if that will affect the league structure or not.
The league "structure" isn't fixed, basically the best 8 teams go in the 1st division, the next best 8 in the 2nd and so on. Who enters changes from month to month so any other method would leave gaps in some divisions and overload others. Anyone asking to play in a higher division will usually be accomodated - it's just those who want to play down that Keiran blows raspberrys at!
Though in theory the deposits have to be in 10 days before the event, that can depend on numbers e.g. the latest list seems to have 22 teams on it, but 3 divisions of 8 teams needs 24 teams so the next 2 teams to get deposits in should be guaranteed a place. If enough teams show interest a bit late in the day (but not TOO late of course), I'm sure Dave will consider adding another division. BTW, he takes credit card deposits over the phone nowadays, call Rekka on 020 8310 7110.
Would be nice to see another Storm squad there