In the good old days we were all still running around the woods in camouflage webbing Geez how life has changed!
Marshalls are unarmed players

woohoo that one tickled me!
My point is - the game has moved on a hella of a lot. If you think the old style of screw em lets just wing it on the rules nobody will notice then it is time for you sir to stand down as ANY form of ref let alone ultimate!
As an ultimate it is YOUR job to fight for the rules to be changed to make things like this matter clearer for players and YOUR refs.
When we marshalled early on in the season we found a load of holes in the rules, trigger bounce being just one. As field ultimate I felt I was unable to dish out penaltys because the way the rule book was written suggested the teams should be maximum penaltied for relatively minor events (it wasnt till one of my own teams was later in the season subject to this that it was changed by Kieran).
I suggest that you become alot more involved in the off season and get the rules rewritten - hell there is enough people out there that have done it for you already - just dont go and *******ise it like this year with the PA rules - it dont work - end of.
Back to the bounce...
There is NO 100% way of testing gats for bounce. We know this, the Millenniums are still doing exactly what the D7's do - yes they have their "methods of testing" but you try and argue with a millennium ref if you feel he is doing it wrong - you won't be joining the field with your gat! The NPPL's even brought in a robot to do the job...at the first event even that was scrapped!!!
Organisers just dont seem to realise that you cannot have rules in sports that cannot be adhered to 100% where is the fairness in that...oh wait, we're not a sport are we!
As said before, the tournament series was one of if not the best on the UK scene (and I think I have been to just about every series at least once this year). It is obvious there is a problem with some of the rules by the amount of players that are having a moan, then you get a supposed official of the series coming on passing comments like yours.
Are you trying to do Dave out of customers for next year? Rumour has it that the D7's aint gonna be the sole southern tourney next year, I'm sure he could do with a hand to lose some teams to the opposition