Is this not what the BNP were called racist and laughed at for? Of course in the early days the political party itself was protected by hired racist thugs, if you read what policys they want to implement its common sense that what they are saying is true, if you look past the bad name and racist comments made about them they are not so bad to be fair. With current media and government slating them the most.
I had a good read up on this subject and they actually want to make great britain great again. Is it fair that other countries can come to this country and make a factory and say ok we are only going to employ workers from the mother country of where the business came from (it happened and was passed by a EU court as fair not so long ago), not to mention they were given grants by the taxpayer to set up shop and import workers?
Is it fair for white people (i am not being racist here) is discriminated against because they are white, for example we MUST employ more people from a different background otherwise we are seen as racist? There is a million things i could say about this topic but i dont want to be looked at or hissed at as being racist because thats the norm way of explaining away problems.
I guess maybe i am going off topic here but its correct that the vast majority are sick and tired of not having things 'their' way, we are quite simply as a mixed country not going to see eye to eye on everything and yes something at some point has to give, if it doesnt where do we end up? Martial Law is the only answer and thats when we come to critical mass as robbo put it with civil war and a massive step back as human beings.
Will it happen? I very much dowt it as we are conditioned all our lives to be submissive and follow what we are told is correct. If we truly speak out on our views we are shunned and given a frowned upon title. For example codiak wants to kill all charvs and think they are scum, personally i know many many charv people and most are not bad people they say what they want whether it be politically correct or not, so these people have a better understanding of free speech in my eyes. I like to speak as i find and to be fair everyone says the same thing but they lie because they do not want to be branded submissive. Fact is everyone has a little say and does nothing about it because they want the 'easy life' until an issue is a problem to them.
I believe that people are fully responsible for their own actions and the people who do not have the 'norm' action are frowned upon (so yes there is discrimination for having a view or opinion). As highlighted above, a guys house is broken into and he is a bad man and jailed for protecting himself by any means he can. Do i think his actions was correct? I dont feel i am the right person to judge because i would have done exactly the same but i have been conditioned into believing what i would or he done is wrong.
A thing that always has me shocked is the reaction of older people i honestly love to hear the tales of the old days down the pits etc where kids could play free and camp out in woods miles away from home and everything was lovely like little house on the prairie, when i say well its all your fault on how its so bad now.
They always tell me no no its the kids they do blah blah blah and i wasnt brought up like that, but fact is old dude you were submissive and allowed this to all happen, usually i get the sob story well we were away fighting wars for this country (i dont mean to sound disrespectful and honestly think highly of anyone willing to give their lives for want of a better world) but to be fair look at the facts it wasnt even our war anyways and was all down to the money hungry fat cats. i could go on for months TRYING to explain my view of that but my guess is most of you will be bored of reading this by now lol
PS I know the posts i make is very long winded and not exactly what i mean but i can never seem to get a point across how i would like to or so it makes sense lol