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Credit crunch


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
Dont forget Cadburys chcocolate! when i went over to the states a few years back i found one devastating truth.......

American chocolate sucks!

Might be onto something there..hmmmmmm
Cadburys own hersheys. Or the other way round. i forget...

edit: no they dont. There was a deal that was hoped to go down in 2007 but things didn't happen because of local politicians. Hersheys however have the license to manufacture cadburys chocolate.
Id vote for Missy.

Especially if HP brown sauce and real bacon were added to the list.

Its sad and embarrasing that banking is one of our biggest exports.
Clearly its a sector riddled with the selfish and the incompetent.

I cant see anyone overseas wanting to get involved with that mess ever again.


Aug 19, 2003
If a beefy actor can run California, we sure as sh*t can have Missy for PM. I have said this many times before :)

In fact, if you are not in charge of anything, why aren't you?


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
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Hersheys chocolate is gross. Tastes like out of date advent calender. Galaxy and Cadburys ftw :)
true, yank chocolate totally tastes like chalky ass, but as Mario rightly points out, if we started exporting it Hersheys would be all over our asses in a flash (doesn't actually sound too bad..).

As for the PM slot, I'm honored. We could have Obama as president, and an obese beautiful Black Harlem ex-rap-artist as Prime Minister. You know that relations with the US would benefit! One 'booty shake' and a couple of well-timed teeth-sucks I would have him right where I want him.
I would do my best to leave a legacy as profound as the last female PM. A lady that warmed the hearts of peace-loving public servants across the country, and whose charm and wit made the UK a dominant global force.

My first act as PM would be to bolster the crisp industry and provide funding for the globalisation of our superior snack-foods. I would also go after Hugh Laurie hard. He'll be back doing gay stand-up double acts at Watford services before the year is out. After that I'll send the fleet to the Falklands and try to stir up some shxt with those Argie *******s!! They either agree to throw our next World Cup encounter or I'll make the 'Belgrano affair' look like a mercy killing.

I want to thank you all for your support.


Oct 30, 2008
true, yank chocolate totally tastes like chalky ass, but as Mario rightly points out, if we started exporting it Hersheys would be all over our asses in a flash (doesn't actually sound too bad..).

As for the PM slot, I'm honored. We could have Obama as president, and an obese beautiful Black Harlem ex-rap-artist as Prime Minister. You know that relations with the US would benefit! One 'booty shake' and a couple of well-timed teeth-sucks I would have him right where I want him.
I would do my best to leave a legacy as profound as the last female PM. A lady that warmed the hearts of peace-loving public servants across the country, and whose charm and wit made the UK a dominant global force.

My first act as PM would be to bolster the crisp industry and provide funding for the globalisation of our superior snack-foods. I would also go after Hugh Laurie hard. He'll be back doing gay stand-up double acts at Watford services before the year is out. After that I'll send the fleet to the Falklands and try to stir up some shxt with those Argie *******s!! They either agree to throw our next World Cup encounter or I'll make the 'Belgrano affair' look like a mercy killing.

I want to thank you all for your support.
Your a fu8king legend, havent laughed that hard in ages :D


Not in the face!
Apr 8, 2008
West Country
The credit crunch is a load of bull****. It should only affect major banks and the stock markets, and guess what guys when you gamble there is a chance you will lose.

There is no sympathy for gamblers and thats what stock brokers are.

Everyone should stop panicking unless you are involved in either the banking or stock industry and even that would have just been a slight hiccup nothing like what the media has made it.

Personally I believe the government should have shouted panic! panic! cos sitting at home hearing my brown tell me 'not to panic' made me jump out of my seat.
Yes the Bankers and Stock Market Traders are firmly to blame, loaning people 200% mortgages, but it wont be them that suffer.
It's not a credit crunch anymore it's a global recession and if it hasn't hit you yet, be patient, it will!
The service industry is propping up the economy at the moment but it wont last.
I am a manufacturer and orders have stopped, period! Once I have finished my current orders I will be looking for something else to do.
The service industries I support both directly as sub contractors and indirectly through car servicing etc will lose my trade as I wont have the buttons to pay with!
Sure houses will get cheaper and thats got to be a good thing but you will need at least a 25% deposit to get a mortgage.
If you don't owe money and your jobs secure you will be fine for the present, maybe you could even look to buy a second home when signs of recovery appear, but be aware, it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better!


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
Visit site
Yes the Bankers and Stock Market Traders are firmly to blame, loaning people 200% mortgages, but it wont be them that suffer.
It's not a credit crunch anymore it's a global recession and if it hasn't hit you yet, be patient, it will!
The service industry is propping up the economy at the moment but it wont last.
I am a manufacturer and orders have stopped, period! Once I have finished my current orders I will be looking for something else to do.
The service industries I support both directly as sub contractors and indirectly through car servicing etc will lose my trade as I wont have the buttons to pay with!
Sure houses will get cheaper and thats got to be a good thing but you will need at least a 25% deposit to get a mortgage.
If you don't owe money and your jobs secure you will be fine for the present, maybe you could even look to buy a second home when signs of recovery appear, but be aware, it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better!
Its OK, I think we have a solution in the works. I doubt you'll have to worry about any of this shxt for too much longer.