oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord!
well where do i start, i dont think there is anything i can type on here to express my thanks and congratulations to everyone involved in the weekend, from the teams, marshalls, h-pac, the balls out crewe, my team, and everyone else! it was possibly the best paintball experience i have ever seen, and i am so pleased we got to be a part of it!
we are a new team in the x ball scene, all with experience from playing 5 man for quite some time! and yes we got owned all weekend, (well not quite, we got 1 point)

. but we dont care at all, im sure i speak on behalf of the entire team when i say.... we would gladly get owned every weekend by all you guys if we get to be part of tourneys like that! and play the team that we were playing againts!
all the teams; disruption, warped, mad monks and mean machine are all a credit to the sport in their skills and how they are off the field. especially george from disruption and the lad from monks (so sorry i keep on forgetting your name mate) god damn u 2 are good! i wanna poach u! lol, definately 2 to watch in the future!!!!!!!!!!
and finally to the man rich harris, who has personally helped me and my team a great deal, taking time out of his crazzzy weekend to help us out, just this once ill agree u r amazing, but that is the only time! so dont get cocky!!! lol
now i have bored u all, ill say cheers again, and see u all at cpps!!!!