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CPL spot for sale


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
The French Tonton's team don't have played on Millenium this year because their sponsorship with Smart Parts wasn't good enough to play...
Since some month, they have have signed with dye who really help them with a good sponsorship, they have clearly said that if they have signed with dye before millienium starts, they were playing the millenium this year.
Because of the not good enough sponsorship they have give the spot to Shock for this year.
Now they should play the Millenium this year.

If Tommy can confirm if i know anything.... :)
I have no idea what will eventually happen to be honest. Franky (Tontons) said they were looking to play it this year but only they will know which spot they will take.
It'll be real interesting to see which teams are there when the dust settles


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008

Tontons will really play this year.
It's confirmed.=>

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Avec l'annonce de leur nouveaux joueurs, et les rumeurs qui courent depuis quelques semaines maintenant, le retour des Tonton Flingueurs sur le circuit Millennium était presque acquis, mais encore pas totalement sûr... Les doutes sont maintenant balayés :

L'annonce officielle :

Toulouse Tontons are Back !

Apres un break d’une saison en CPL, marquée par le titre de champion d’Europe de l’est (Centurio) et de la Balkans Cup l’équipe Française la plus titrée d’Europe fait son retour dans l’élite Européen.
Grace au soutien de Dye et de Procaps, l’equipe met une fois de plus la barre haute avec comme objectif un podium pour la saison 2009. Objectif concevable au regard des 5 titres de champions d’Europe (2006, 2004, 2003, 2002 1999). Elle replacera en CPL l’équipe London Shockwave.

Plus d’infos sur : www.tontons-flingueurs.com
Nov 21, 2002
Bristol UK
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& the english version (from the millennium website):

12 of December, 2008
Toulouse Tontons are back!
After a one year break, winning the Centurio Series and the Balkans Cup, the Tontons are back in Millennium CPL.
The 5 times Millennium champions (2006, 2004, 2003, 2002, 1999) will replace for the CPL season 2009 the London Shockwave.

Where does this leave Shock?