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Covering Fire


New Member
Jun 5, 2002
Hampshire, U.K.
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sounds like some of your team are a bit stingy. Next time they are wanting some covering fire dont give it to them just let them get lit up. They will soon learn the merrits of giving covering fire!


Team Valkyr
Apr 26, 2002
Arizona, USA
master, last time we played i covered your ass. if i wasnt there to cover you, they would have lit you up like a campfire. talk to aaron and andrew about cover f**king fire. i never got cover fire and i whooped ass the whole game. we need to do what darkchat1 said. i think they dont want to waste paint.


team driven black
Apr 23, 2002
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i play back and u dont even have to waste that much paint on a cover shot (if the guys not slow and scared) u just have to shoot fast at first then u can lower ure bps down to like 4-5 or less after like the first 3-4 balls because u still have fire on the opposing team they wont come out until u stop or they get bored and do some thing stupid and for those back players that wont give u cover if there on a tourny team with u either kill them at a practice teaching them how to play back or cut them and if ure playing wiht walk ons find a friend u can trust to help u and specificly yell for him ot help you because u know he'll be there


London Hope #73
Jun 9, 2002
back burnisation

Hello. if u r playing on back middle on supair, u really need a good voice. shout! and don't stop cos ur tired! if u see sum1 move, scream it anything up to 5 times where they went! and if u see a teammate who don't seem to be listening, call him and shout to him where the bloke is! and shoot like feck guys! if no one is out of thier bunker on the other team and u are just covering them to keep their heads in, don't chuck out a ton of paint! don't even shoot if their head is not poking out. perch out of ur bunker if u are safe and wait for them to look out. thne...piow! shoot them on the goggles or hopper or wherever. and if u see ppl run to bunkers at the start of the game, sweetspot from the start! don't worry about u being in open ground, there should be a back middle bunkler near ur start station, and u don't have to worry because ppl nevershoot at back middle. they always run or shoot sideways. instaed just raise ur gun and shoot between say, the back left/right cokecan and the middle bunker. watch where ur paint goes and adjust it because ppl always run back middle and back left. it works and u'll see very often u can diminish the other teams numbers by a fair few by doing this. :p and, most importantly, don't shoot ur front players deblirately (thnx a lot howard), or accidently (cheers for that buff). it'll make u look a rite cock. ;)