I think its word play and all people are different i remember a teacher telling me years ago she gave kids the option, a cane of detention and she said that the vast majority chose the cane.
The problem i see with it is when things are abused. If a child is norty then they are told off if they are still norty then they get a smack obviously with a limit. A Big thing was on the news that a dad got fined or some kind of punishment because he smacked his child in the street i am sure it was because the child wouldnt hold his hand or something, what if that child ran onto the road and was killed, the dad would be the bad guy for not enforcing the child to do as its told.
I remember at school a teacher grabbed me by the throat infront of a class and tryied dragging me around i think to try and make me look small so i grabbed the teacher and dragged him around like a doll and put him over a table, some people would say that i had no respect or i was just plain norty but the way i have always been brought up if a guy hits me i hit him back, an answer to aggression is aggression etc. This teacher did not need to be violent with me he could have simply ordered me out of the class etc but he abused his power and age size etc so was i wrong to fight back? The whole point of a punishment is to make you learn or to teach you something in hope it would make you uniform with everyone else, did he have to do it in the first place or did he just do it because he could? After the insident i walked out of the classroom anyways so really all he done was make himself look a fool.
Violence and aggression should really only be used as a last resort.
One thing that troubles me is it is quite simply words, does anyone actually think that the police are always lovely and do not assault people? Speaking from vast experience the police escalate incidents by using aggression or intimidation then then can justify there over heavy handedness i have seen people assaulted by police for no real reason other then they could. I honestly watched 2 pretty drunk guys walk up a street and the police were parked up bored so decided to just randomly ask these guys names the guy said you have no reason to ask me so why ask the police then dived out of a van and cuffed the lad up and made a right meal of it (it was comically to watch it has to be said) because the guy resisted. Is this not corporal punishment?n I have seen many things like this in the past and the police are half the blame.
So in answer to the original post Corporal Punishment is still here but not called that any more. Do police assault people? Yes they do, do teachers abuse pupils? yes they do. Nothing has changed other then we have became concious of it and tried to eliminate it