Hi all, we had the federation meeting yesterday and one of the topics for discussion was the selection of the federation logo from all of the designs you lot sent it.
I actually threw some designs in anonymously believing the guys would immediately select one of mine; On seeing my designs (only I knew they were mine) Olly Potts from Kee, commented, 'they look as though some idiot designed them using Photosh!t' ...... I tried to hide my disappointment and made a mental note to write Olly's name in my 'To Bash Up' list.
Anyway, the federation would like to thank everybody for spending a lot of time and effort in designing these logos.
The standard was exceptionally high even though I did my best to send the average plummeting downward.
OK, so the winner is .................Seany Boy, we do however have a small request from him in wanting his design tweaked a little but overall, the federation thought his logo was the one that best represented what we wanted.
He actually sent in 3 designs and we want him to play around with a couple of them but he has the basic idea of what we need
And so, A big congratulations to Seany Boy and a massive thanks to everybody for their patience and efforts.