we're famious? I'm the 1 who always goes around kicking myself in the ass found sounding completely ignorant to paintball. Finally, my stupidity pays off...
My opinion on using 'codes' on the field is simple.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Doesn't matter if your opposition understands or gets an 'idea' of what you're about to do.
By then your team should have already reacted and it would be too late for the opposing team to react.
If you're moving from your current location yell out "Moving"
If you're empty yell out "Cover" or "Cover on me" (used for reloading or covering your position by your teammate etc)
If a member of the opposing team is down yell out "1 down" (followed by 2, 3 etc)
If your member is down yell "Man down" (ofcourse your team mates will keep count)
If you about to kamikaze yell "Broken Arrow" or "Pizza" etc
If you need fire at certain location yell "Fire on me-12"
(12 being the clock direction of your location- this case directly in front of you)
If you need a teammate on your position yell "On me"
It is wise to yell those commands twice. Just to make sure your team understood the commands/codes.