thats not poss

cant use banolier and a naid tube at the same time, the tube replaces perk1
but yeah it is quite amusing to have 2 tube equiped guns and switch guns as the first is realoading, 2 rapid (ish) tube shots
but 3 frag naids is far better if you can throw them accurately
my usual load out is
3 frag, overkill, ironlungs
a sniper rifle (im working my way thru them all to get the gold) and eather an m14 or m4 with a red dot.
for cqb maps
3 frag, overkill, extreme conditioning
a sniper rifle with acog sight (used like a mid range assault rifle) and a silenced uzi
or for sniper camping mode
claymores, extra bullet damage, iron lungs
sniper rifle, desert eagle