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Cocker Hinge Frames


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by MrPink

People will be putting Alias internals into Scenario markers next:rolleyes:
Now theres a plan.... I bet goober is already part way through doing it!! :)

Alias in a powerfeed mag body... interesting....


Team ME
Well i think i will go for it, its got to be better than my spyder markers that i bought originally.

I could sell them on ebay and use the money for some parts ot maybe a anodizing job as i think its chocolate brown colour. Plus i need a new cheap barrel any recommendations.


Sep 14, 2002
If you want to upgrade an old RF 'cocker here's your options:

you can get the new E2 or Race frame, or a Centerflag uprising. An E1 won't work because the feed port is in the way of where the eye would go.




all front block parts (ram, three ways, regs), but not all front blocks. The old style 'cockers used a smaller front block screw, you'd have to have your body redrilled and tapped in order to use a new (2000+) front block



back blocks (old style blocks were longer, and subsequently require a longer bolt, but you can put a 2000+ back block, and subsequently any 2000+ bolt, onto any autococker)

Bolts - covered above

Pump arms

Actuating rods/collars

Cocking rods

Grip frames

Velocity adjusters (old cockers used a smaller main spring, but you can put in a velocity adjuster and use the wider, new style spring)

Springs - covered above, all other springs are universal


Pretty sure that's about it. You could spend hundreds of dollars upgrading or building an autococker. Once you start "upgrading" an old 'cocker like that, you really just wind up rebuilding it. You'll probably end up even getting a new body in the end and transfering all the cool new parts you just bought. If you like building stuff, it's kinda fun, but it'll cost ya just as much as a new one would.


Team ME
Well like the option of upgrading over time, wont be playig that much this year as i have my final year of uni to do, and this could be my little out side of uni project to take my mind of JAVA programming :D

Your posts were all very helpful thank you very much.

First thing is a new bolt and black block by the sounds of it.