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Cocker bolt recomendations


Better Things 2 Do!
Originally posted by Liz
Rumour has it that there's a cocker bolt equivalent to the Mag level 10 bolt coming to the UK soon :cool:
Tell us more :) could it be like the APB bolt from JAM enterprises Flash was talking about?

Couldn't find any info on the APB bolt from JAM enterprises so if you have a link flash that'll be great :p


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
It took some digging, but here's the link:


I've already had a go railing away on my racegrip, with my finger in the breach.

It bloomin well hurt, but not cos of the bolt, I put my finger the wrong way round, and caught a load of air blasts up around my fingernail :eek:

Can't wait to try it out on a days play tho :D
Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
It took some digging, but here's the link:


I've already had a go railing away on my racegrip, with my finger in the breach.

It bloomin well hurt, but not cos of the bolt, I put my finger the wrong way round, and caught a load of air blasts up around my fingernail :eek:

Can't wait to try it out on a days play tho :D
umm, havnt seen one yet, but surely if the spring ifs light enough not to chop a ball then under rapid fire then will the bolt fully close, or get blown back with the pressure?
Originally posted by Sypher365
Am thinking of getting the Belsales Delrin venturi bolt for my stock 2k2 Cocker.

One question Brian - Does the bolt have a groove for the ball dedent because my other bolt is being scuffed to hell by it.

Edit: one other thing the bolt has O-rings which you say u might not need to use depending on the model if you use the O-rings won't you have to oil them and wont that make the delrin swell?
right, 1 all stock length cocker plastic bolts ( pre y2k and y2k )lenth have the groove in the side for the ball detent :) no more scuffed bolt

2 we have found that nylon ( and similar ) swells and delrin apears not to swell (enough to notice) i been using one with o-rings and oil for 6 months, no problems.

if yuh wanna know more email the link bellow :):cool:


Better Things 2 Do!
Cheers Flash/Brian

Had a look at the JAM bolts deffinatelly looks interesting...

Mmm im in two minds on which to go for at the moment my stock 2k2 cocker is now my backup since aquiring a nice dark angel but still like playing with it and am trying to decide what to do with it.

Ie blade or Eblade (as I have an angel probably not that important)

I presume if I go the Eblade route the Belsales Bolt would be the better choice because of the weight and with an eye fitted chopping doesn't really become an issue but if I went the standard blade the JAM bolt might be a better option.

Man if only money wasn't an option :( time to look for a decent paying job.

let us know how you get on with it Flash


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Thanks :)

Cheers for the help lads, appreciate it. Going to go for the Belsales delrin, should go perfectly with my marker, which is currently getting a E-blade frame fitted to it :)