Hi Mods
On seeing some of the changes to the Classifieds rule, I had this idea based on other forum's I've been a member of.
New members:- MUST post in the newbie area, a welcome, bit about themselves and/or what kind of PB they play/want to play.
Only on doing this will they be permitted then to post in other areas.
10-15 posts minimum before being able to view Classifieds
(But only if they request permission to access it)
All posts towards the Classifieds permit must be worthy posts, either querying or in response to others. and not just random one word spamming.
Alternatively the 10-15 posts must be started threads.
I'm sure I had better ideas than this but not so sure now i'm posting.
On seeing some of the changes to the Classifieds rule, I had this idea based on other forum's I've been a member of.
New members:- MUST post in the newbie area, a welcome, bit about themselves and/or what kind of PB they play/want to play.
Only on doing this will they be permitted then to post in other areas.
10-15 posts minimum before being able to view Classifieds
(But only if they request permission to access it)
All posts towards the Classifieds permit must be worthy posts, either querying or in response to others. and not just random one word spamming.
Alternatively the 10-15 posts must be started threads.
I'm sure I had better ideas than this but not so sure now i'm posting.