A bit of life advice that will stand you in good stead with ladies -
Don't patronise them
In paintball treat them like any other player
The only proviso being to consider the paintball game you are at - if it's a punter game, or there are new players around don't make it your goal of the day to bunker and rip them with paint
Girls, boys, ladies, gents - whatever, don't make their first ever paintball experience memorable for the wrong reasons
A couple of weeks back I helped out with a university paintball clubs fresher fair, and was pretty much given carte Blanche on how I 'sold' the idea of paintball to students.
Peoples preconceptions vary, some based on experience some from what they've heard of others experiences. There is a fair proportion of people out there with a bad first time experience, mostly gettingup alongside the stag group. Meeting a passionate player (cue me) can turn around preconceptions and make people reconsider. But a good first time experience makes long term paintballers
To summarise - don't treat girls differently as players, but also treat new players well