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Cheating in paintball Survey


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
I think there is fair cheating and unfair cheating.

Fair cheating is a wipe, cos if I shoot a guy, and he manages to hide it from the refs, thats a skill in its own and all that yelling and screaming dont scare him off the field fair play its round 2, nd there is no way in hell I am walking off the field before him.

Unfair is the below the belt type of stuff, like shooting someone as your walking off the field, talking when ur dead, just stuff that you would think ewwww... thats not even cool.

Its fair to say we all cheat but its not really cheating if we can do something that the refs dont see then thats paintball, and thats how it will always be.

P.s. if you know you hit someone let the ref know exactly where... if you dont know then sod ya!

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
And therin lies the problem, look at football. Players "dive" because they know that the the other team/players would. Paintball has FAR to much cheating...why because we can and we all say "hell the other team do it." No-one wants to pay £100 for a weekends 'ball only to be walking to the deadbox after 30 seconds, and no-one likes the guy you just covered in paint comming back out of his bunker and shooting you out.

The answer to what should be done...Ask Robbo he is in a far better position of knowledge :)


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2008
most sports have a place for cheating aswell, i find tbh cheating makes the game more interesting when you watch.

for example you play on after getting hit off the break
you get a 1 for 1, your teams playing 3v5 if your team can pull out their ass and win, id much rather see that than a pretty average game.

i dont cheat intentionally. i do play on often but that happens to everyone.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Dunno about asking Robbo about this ,he has professed strong feelings on this subject once or twice before ;)...


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
cheating defeats the purpose of what we are doing. Seriously, what's the point of playing if you're going to cheat?

"the other team are doing it". Grow up, be the bigger man, deal with it. So what if they win by cheating, you will still know you are the better person, and probably better player.

there is no skill in cheating, that's why punters do it.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2007
Staffordshire, England
As far as opponents cheating against me, there are levels I would both expect and accept as part of the game and others that I would consider underhand.

If I hit someone in the leg as they were running to a bunker and they slid it off that would be expected, where as a clean hit on someones hopper that they wipe off would be taken up with marshals after.

As for myself I've never really cheated as far as I can remember in tournies.... I've been shot running to a Snake and checked after supermanning in to find no paint. Now whether it bounced or got slid off who knows.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
cheating defeats the purpose of what we are doing. Seriously, what's the point of playing if you're going to cheat?

"the other team are doing it". Grow up, be the bigger man, deal with it. So what if they win by cheating, you will still know you are the better person, and probably better player.

there is no skill in cheating, that's why punters do it.
Make like Christopher Reeve, and get off your high horse.

There is a skill to cheating, totally, 100%. Find a top div player who doesn't/hasn't. I never used too, but then I found out I lasted a lot longer if I did. Shot more people too. And I never felt bad for doing it.


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008

no high horse involved, I do this for a laugh, winning is not that important to me. not important enough to spoil other peoples day by cheating.

don't you see that cheating puts people off getting into the sport/game/whatever? I brought 10 guys to a site where they didn't police the cheating enough and have found it very difficult to get them to come again.

I've played games against wipers and it screwed the whole point of the day.

Then again, I'm not in the "top divs" (i play scenario) and if i was and had got there like that then what would it mean?