I think everybody saw the incident and what is more Lasoya was 2 for 1 ed at the end of the game by Moose.
Too bad the damage was already done by then.
Hah I've seen a better one! TonTons vs. Icantremember 1 min to the match everyone is on the field....
Then two of the TonTon guys decided to take a leak behind the breakout it was hilarious w. all the refs on the field and w. everyone focusing on the game..
Well there were teams wich should have been disqualified for cheating thats for sure.
There were a certain novice band of filth who lost 5 man in a game due to wiping (2times) and shooting outside from the field offbreak.
The same grand formation's two backmen (left & right corner) were shot by my sorry self in the knee from the carwash. Guess what they immediately dropped on to their knees and tadaa the splats are gone. It didnt matter tho as I shot bot of the fools again this time on the gogs )