DUDE WE HAVE THE SAME MARKER was the same colour and everthing but i changed it lol
yea i tryed doing that to but i noticed i was getting WAY to much vibration and that causes the ripple effect that ur seeing on ur 2nd vid mate.. wot i did was this i no its not going to win any design awards but its something i made out of a scrap peice of ally plate and as ul see in this vid it almost cures it by about 80-90% of the wobble
plus if it gets a clear hit in it wot you have done will more then likly snap faster then a wish bone on christmas afternoon lol im not trying to be nasty and flame or anything but you wouldnt want to not notice it happen and have to walk about in the woods for an hour trying to fing the pesky lil thing
pis 1 of the mount from the back
pic 2 is from the front but i cant find the retaining clip that holds it to it ?? ITS GONE LOL thats wot the tape is for in the pic when i fing it il show u in another pic .. it holds in in there nice n snug..
plus as and added notice with a 2gb card for playing woodsball it would last most of the 11 games say 8 maybe 9 but with a 4GB theres no way it would run out the battery would die befor that would EVER happen thats why i said about the card in this post
ive notice 2 n abit hours of footige in 1 charge ...
plus this year i want to start getting some air ball footige as all i have is woodsball so far i thing it will work out good...
would of thought more people would be intrested in this but hay !!