Yeah, agreed. Nor can one expect them to be flawless in their decision-making. They are human , after all. But yeah they don't really get paid enough. Period. Often times, refs have to stand in blistering hot weather, as is the case in South Florida, get shot at, get screamed at, etc etc The front line workers of the regulatory framework falls on the shoulder of poorly paid wage-earners. And that’s part of the problem. But hey— could’ve been worse, you could’ve smacked the referee. And back then, corretc me if Im wrong, the leagues were not so strict when it came to physical altercations on the field especially if they are directed at a ref. I don't think the leagues had the zero-tolerance stance that they've adopted towards violence/physical altercations (since around 2010) where players can literally get banned for life like Domigues, who got banned for 8 years by the EPBF back in 2012-2013 (among others.) Banished for 8 years in paintball might as well be banished for life. But hey, not attacking the ref seems highly sensible and a huge silver lining that should be noted. You DIDNT re-arrange the ref's face, so that's a huge win in my book.For any refs who has to adjudicate pro team confrontations … they don’t get paid enough.
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